Let’s talk
We are very pleased that you have chosen the company Tools4F. If you have any questions please contact us.
Office phone
+420 604 558 695
Office mail
Head office
Masarykovo náměstí 1544
Pardubice, 530 02
Czech Republic
Prague office
Opletalova 921/6
Praha 1, 113 76
Czech Republic
Invoice Address:
Tools4F s.r.o.
Masarykovo náměstí 1544
530 02
Czech Republic
ID No.: 288 268 09
VAT No.: CZ 288 268 09
Incorporated by entry in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Hradec Kralove, Section C, Entry 29939
Account number: 2200311582 / 2010
IBAN: CZ7 220 100 000 002 200 311 582