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Calculation tools
- IFRS17 VFA proxy calculator
- IFRS17 GMA proxy calculator
- IFRS17 GMA RI held proxy calculator
- IFRS17 PAA calculator
- IFRS17 PAA RI held calculator
- IFRS17 Eligibility tools
- IFRS17 Add-ins
- SII Standard Formula Calculator
- Sophas
- Non-life Pricing tools
All tools
- IFRS17 Transition calculators
- IFRS17 Cube solution
- IFRS17 Illustrative models
- IFRS17 PAA Planning tool
- IFRS 17 reporting tool
- Solvency II Add-ins
- Artificial Intelligence applications
- Liquidity management tool
- Asset model
- Yield curve fitting
- ESG - Yield curve calibration
- ESG Tool
- Asset model with Reinvestments
- ESG - Yield curve simulation
- Reinsurance optimization
- Claims Reserve Calculator
- Life Pricing tool
- Mortality projection tools
- Excel Actuarial Functions
- MP Grouping optimization
- XLS to DBF convertor
- IAS19 valuation tools
- Accelerated Life CF
- DAC and URL calculator
- Assumption conversion tool
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