Training courses are designed as a mixture of useful theory and its practical applications. Practical usefulness of the presented topics is stressed. All topics are illustrated on practical case studies and set to the context of the insurance processes.
Course content and duration
Training duration as well as the content may be customized upon request of the client. Our audience are actuaries as well as non-actuaries in specific companies, actuarial associations (CZ, SK, CRO, SLO, Swiss), universities, regulators.
The most frequent topics
- Standard formula for actuaries and risk managers
- ORSA theory and practice
- Analysis of change of SII Own Funds
- Applied demography and actuarial models in life insurance
- Techniques for substantial acceleration of life insurance calculations
- Stochastic Models in Finance and Insurance
- Reserving for high-volatile business lines in non-life insurance
- Understanding the Standard formula (target audience: managers)
- Insurance company under the “Solvency II roof” (target audience: managers, specialists or experts
- (controlling, underwriters, IT analytics) that need general knowledge of Solvency II)
- ORSA for business (target audience: managers)
- ALM for non-actuaries (target audience: managers, investment experts)
- International financial reporting standards (IFRS 17) (target audience: senior management)
- Basics of statistical software „R“ and SQL (target audience: actuaries, risk managers, controlling)
- Risk Models (target audience: actuaries, risk managers, internal audit specialists)
- Basics of the financial instruments (target audience: actuaries, risk managers, investment managers)
- Non-life insurance product creation process (target audience: non-life actuaries, product managers)
Some of our lecturers are regular teachers at universities lecturing life insurance, non-life insurance, statistics, GLM modeling, stochastic calculus, statistical SWs – R, Python, Matlab..
Others are practicing top consultants and actuaries, who have extensive experience with applications and with the presentation.
Tools4F actuarial school
“Tools4F actuarial school” is organized in a cooperation of Economic University in Prague. Training courses are built from main blocks of several sections designed for junior and intermediate actuaries in presented areas. For each block duration of two or three days is suggested. Blocks can be freely mixed. The training language is English or Czech according to the participants’ structure.